When you order an existing jewellery piece, we will first confirm the order in a written form (EMail). Our first questions will be about Ring Sizes or chain length.
We also will ask common questions about if you want the jewellery gems like in the gallery example presented or if you would like to choose different gems.
In case we have to make changes to your order we will tell you about the time frame it would need to change the order or in case you order the original piece we tell you about the way we would like to send the piece and to which address.
We will make sure in written form that all these questions are answered to your full satisfaction before we send the piece to your given address, or we start the chosen changes. We also will inform you about the change in prize and time to finish your piece of jewellery.
It’s important to point my customers to the fact that you will be informed about any changes that may affect the final product, design wise and financially. I will discuss these implications with my customers before making any changes. This will help avoid any misunderstandings and ensure that my customers are satisfied with the final product.
“All work sequences, from order entry to the finished jewelry piece, will be fully transparent for the customer. I even offer Teams/ZOOM meetings for customers so that every step of the way to create and make the jewelry piece is an enjoyable path for all my customers.”
In case we have to make changes to your order we will tell you about the time frame it would need to change the order or in case you order the original piece we tell you about the way we would like to send the piece and to which address.